Ok, bukan beelzebub yang ni -->
Tpi anime ''Beelzebub'' , Seronok jugak tengok anime ni yang terdapat gabungan
comedy + action + (comedy + romance)
= comedy + action + comedy + romance
= comedy + comedy + action + romance
= comedy² + action + romance
*Romance telah ditelan oleh comedy , (Watch the anime and you'll know what i'm talking about)Ni dia Berubo A.K.A. Baby Beel
Ok la jugak apabila ditonton semasa saya tengah bosan .
Warning ! , Do not get influenced by this anime because the fantasy in this anime is against the teaching of Islam . There's no such thing like raising a baby of a demon and etc.
P.S Higlight the thing below me
''Thanks Aisyah for mentioning my mistake in the title .''
P.S Higlight the thing below me
''Thanks Aisyah for mentioning my mistake in the title .''
Okay , done reading !