Sunday, 18 December 2011

Beelzebub !

Tdi pergi surf surf internet dan jumpe webpage beelzebub la pulak xD .

Ok, bukan beelzebub yang ni -->
Tpi anime ''Beelzebub'' , Seronok jugak tengok anime ni yang terdapat gabungan 
comedy + action + (comedy + romance) 
= comedy + action + comedy + romance
= comedy + comedy + action + romance 
= comedy² + action + romance
*Romance telah ditelan oleh comedy , (Watch the anime and you'll know what i'm talking about)

Ni dia Berubo A.K.A. Baby Beel


Ok la jugak apabila ditonton semasa saya tengah bosan .

Warning ! , Do not get influenced by this anime because the fantasy in this anime is against the teaching of Islam . There's no such thing like raising a baby of a demon and etc.

P.S Higlight the thing below me
''Thanks Aisyah for mentioning my mistake in the title .''

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